Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Functionality Of The Skeletal Structure.

In this form the functionality of the model begins to emerge. It has a dynamic nature. Every point is relative to every other point and every understanding gained causes movement, advancing civilization.
To continue to improve the functionality of the model more scientific elements of the economy are added. These economic elements were discovered by great thinkers in the tradition of classical liberalism. These certain points of focus are added to the skeletal structure as intermediary potencies. That is what is coming in the next blog entry!

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Skeletal Structure Of The Divine Economy Model.

            To the model we then add reciprocity and symmetry (Diagram II B). From now on you will notice arrows on both ends of the lines to represent reciprocity and symmetry. The element of reciprocity adds the dimension of mutual exchange. Another way to describe what happens during an exchange is to see exchange as the fulfillment of the double inequality of wants. I want what you have more than what I have and you reciprocate those feelings, therefore we exchange.

Proportionality and relativity manifest themselves in the world via the element of symmetry. For example, as transformation within the economy increases the other vital elements of the economy also increase and the economy as a whole increases. The model now becomes:

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Anatomy Of The Divine Economy

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Conceptual Divine Economy Model.

The Conceptual Model

Now I will introduce the divine economy model to you. As the model is presented; its interconnectedness, reciprocity and symmetry will be discussed. One analogy that may prove useful is that of a complex organism made up of components that are more or less differentiated. Ourselves, we are made up of systems and organs and tissues and cells. Likewise the divine economy model has universal laws, foundational elements, concepts, and principles.

            The center of the model is its reality and essence, summed up using the words ‘divine economy.’ These two powerful words clearly state the vital perspective of this model. These two words efficiently convey the source and the dominion. The implication here is far more magnificent than laissez-faire which merely suggests ‘not to meddle.’ The implication here is that the economy is above and beyond our human understanding and that it can be and is corrupted by human intervention alone.

The divine economy is both pervasive and subtle and its dominion reaches everyone in their daily affairs. It is basic and connected to the necessary acts of every man and woman and by its conveyance of information it allows people to function.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Code Of The Divine Economy Model.

The Code

            Shortly I will begin to present to you a graphical representation of the divine economy model. But before we begin examining the model we will want to understand the conceptual basis of what is called the Cartesian coordinate system. In mathematics the applications of the two dimensional coordinate system and of the three dimensional coordinate system appear to be very empirical. Despite being used mostly for empirical work the Cartesian coordinate system is not restricted from more conceptual applications, as proven when it is expanded to higher dimensions, for example, the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension or even to the nth ‘degrees of freedom.’

            I take advantage of the conceptual potentialities of the Cartesian coordinate system and use it as a part of the design of my subjective model. Just as the higher dimensions are abstract I make all of the dimensions of my model abstract. Referring to the Cartesian coordinate system, Bernhard Rieman in 1854 described the value of this abstraction: “Abstract studies such as these allow one to observe relationships without being limited by narrow terms, and prevent traditional prejudices from inhibiting ones progress.” In my model the two dimensional system is subjective or ‘abstract’ as is the third dimension and the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension, in other words, my model is five dimensional.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Trusting Equilibrium Brings About Refinement.

         There is only One Being omniscient enough to see all that happens in the market matrix and only One Being that is not wholly dumbfounded by what human minds see as uncertainty. The economy is divine, it is God’s.

The economy provides channels through which the grace and bounty of God flow. According to the divine economy theory, the economy (itself a divine institution) is reciprocally a part of the human operating system. The sooner we learn this and trust this the sooner we can learn how to use this institution to bring about peace and justice.

The divine economy is here for our benefit. It forces us (acting man) non-coercively and by the tendencies of the forces of equilibrium to refine ourselves internally (heart and soul, spirit and intellect), and externally (human and non-human resources). And so it is that the equilibrium forces referred to in this book as the ‘divine economy’ direct our refinement.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Hidden Order Of The Voluntary Free Market.

The divine economy is not separable from human civilization, nor is it separable from the advancement of human culture at the individual or societal level. The divine economy operates in accordance with the Will of God and it is a vehicle for the expression of the will of man. The implication of the divine economy is that there are laws and that there is order.

The power within and without the divine economy is beyond our grasp. Yet throughout history men have sought to grasp it. Examples throughout history abound. For the short while and ephemeral period that the power-hungry clutched the economy their illusion of control corrupted them, and the economy became distorted and diverted, leading to the suffering of many both near and distant. Ultimately the destiny of mankind was slowed by their intervention. Quoting Rothbard:

“The hidden order, harmony and efficiency of the voluntary free market, the hidden disorder, conflict and gross inefficiency of coercion and intervention — these are the great truths that economic science, through deductive analysis of self-evident axioms, reveals to us.” [4]

[4] Murray N. Rothbard, Man Economy and State, second edition, Scholar’s Edition (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2004), p. 1124.

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