Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Hidden Order Of The Voluntary Free Market.

The divine economy is not separable from human civilization, nor is it separable from the advancement of human culture at the individual or societal level. The divine economy operates in accordance with the Will of God and it is a vehicle for the expression of the will of man. The implication of the divine economy is that there are laws and that there is order.

The power within and without the divine economy is beyond our grasp. Yet throughout history men have sought to grasp it. Examples throughout history abound. For the short while and ephemeral period that the power-hungry clutched the economy their illusion of control corrupted them, and the economy became distorted and diverted, leading to the suffering of many both near and distant. Ultimately the destiny of mankind was slowed by their intervention. Quoting Rothbard:

“The hidden order, harmony and efficiency of the voluntary free market, the hidden disorder, conflict and gross inefficiency of coercion and intervention — these are the great truths that economic science, through deductive analysis of self-evident axioms, reveals to us.” [4]

[4] Murray N. Rothbard, Man Economy and State, second edition, Scholar’s Edition (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2004), p. 1124.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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