Monday, July 30, 2012

Trusting Equilibrium Brings About Refinement.

         There is only One Being omniscient enough to see all that happens in the market matrix and only One Being that is not wholly dumbfounded by what human minds see as uncertainty. The economy is divine, it is God’s.

The economy provides channels through which the grace and bounty of God flow. According to the divine economy theory, the economy (itself a divine institution) is reciprocally a part of the human operating system. The sooner we learn this and trust this the sooner we can learn how to use this institution to bring about peace and justice.

The divine economy is here for our benefit. It forces us (acting man) non-coercively and by the tendencies of the forces of equilibrium to refine ourselves internally (heart and soul, spirit and intellect), and externally (human and non-human resources). And so it is that the equilibrium forces referred to in this book as the ‘divine economy’ direct our refinement.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Hidden Order Of The Voluntary Free Market.

The divine economy is not separable from human civilization, nor is it separable from the advancement of human culture at the individual or societal level. The divine economy operates in accordance with the Will of God and it is a vehicle for the expression of the will of man. The implication of the divine economy is that there are laws and that there is order.

The power within and without the divine economy is beyond our grasp. Yet throughout history men have sought to grasp it. Examples throughout history abound. For the short while and ephemeral period that the power-hungry clutched the economy their illusion of control corrupted them, and the economy became distorted and diverted, leading to the suffering of many both near and distant. Ultimately the destiny of mankind was slowed by their intervention. Quoting Rothbard:

“The hidden order, harmony and efficiency of the voluntary free market, the hidden disorder, conflict and gross inefficiency of coercion and intervention — these are the great truths that economic science, through deductive analysis of self-evident axioms, reveals to us.” [4]

[4] Murray N. Rothbard, Man Economy and State, second edition, Scholar’s Edition (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2004), p. 1124.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Subjectivist Methodology Allows The Merging Of Science And Religion.

          What is incredible is how the subjectivist methodology of classical liberalism allows the merging of science and religion. This subjectivist methodology can be used to discern the essential laws that apply universally to human beings when they are at the threshold of action, whether that act is an act of faith or a material act. These universal laws ultimately underlie our quest to know and to understand.

We are educated and we make advancements by the insights gained during our quest for understanding. In the realm of faith our souls progress and our nature becomes more divine. In the material realm we become more tuned in to how our interconnectedness with others can bring prosperity and how we benefit personally from that prosperity.

It is not something that we may even have to consciously make decisions about. It becomes, in a sense, just a realization. This parallels a statement attributed to the British mathematician and metaphysician Alfred Whitehead, as quoted by Hayek, “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.”[3]

[3] F. A. Hayek, The Use of Knowledge in Society, The American Economic Review, Volume XXXV, Number Four, September 1945: p. 528.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Happiness Is Subjective And It Drives Purposeful Action.

Since human beings act purposefully the power to make the divine economy manifest rests with each individual. It rests; it resides, and becomes evident in these individual actions. Mises writes:

As long as a man lives, he cannot help obeying the cardinal impulse, the elan vital. It is man's innate nature that he seeks to preserve and to strengthen his life, that he is discontented and aims at removing uneasiness, that he is in search of what may be called happiness. [2]

            The power to make the divine economy manifest comes from the invisible world of thought and reason and enters the visible world through purposeful action. Since no action occurs in a vacuum each action becomes a part of the educative matrix of all actions, all of which follow the same subjective processes.

[2] Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, Fourth Revised Edition (San Francisco: Fox & Wilkes, 1996), p. 882.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Progress Of Humanity Depends On The Free Market.

The divine economy has the power to awaken us to our own potential, which finds expression in service to one another and to our loving Creator. That is why the progress of humanity, even for us as individuals, depends on a free market. Likewise, the discovery of the merits of the divine economy depends on the educative process — significantly derived from the market experience itself — from which proceeds the ever-advancing progress of humanity.

            The critical need is to bring all of these processes of the divine economy into the realm of science. Here the groundwork has already been laid by the great minds who have described the methodology of subjectivism and who have expounded upon praxeology—which is the study and logic of human action. This great scientific heritage pays tribute to monumental thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Carl Menger, Eugene von Bohm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich von Hayek, and Murray Rothbard. From their work and the work that continues along these lines there is a scientific foundation that provides the tools needed to test and to advance the understanding of the processes at work.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Transforming Power In The Structure Of The Economy.

Like all institutions the economy has the appearance of structure. Its structure in its pure form is the market, free from political intervention. The closer the economy is to a free market the greater its capacity to be a full expression of a divine economy.

            Remember that there is interplay between the human actors and the market itself. There is a commingling of these two divine entities and both benefit from this dynamic process of discovery. Also there is a transforming power in this divine encounter.

This transforming power is perhaps the most essential element of the divine economy. There is a divine power — the power to transform the resources bestowed upon us into goods and services and which then enables us to serve one another as a tribute to our loving Creator.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Economy Is A Reflection Of The Spiritual Maturity Of Humankind.

The state of affairs at any point in time reflects the spiritual maturity of mankind and the corresponding condition of the economy. As mankind, as a whole, matures he increasingly cares for himself and for others. The economy always fully serves at the level it is capable of as an institution with divine potential, but unfortunately it has historically been significantly constrained by human intervention.

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