Saturday, July 28, 2012

Subjectivist Methodology Allows The Merging Of Science And Religion.

          What is incredible is how the subjectivist methodology of classical liberalism allows the merging of science and religion. This subjectivist methodology can be used to discern the essential laws that apply universally to human beings when they are at the threshold of action, whether that act is an act of faith or a material act. These universal laws ultimately underlie our quest to know and to understand.

We are educated and we make advancements by the insights gained during our quest for understanding. In the realm of faith our souls progress and our nature becomes more divine. In the material realm we become more tuned in to how our interconnectedness with others can bring prosperity and how we benefit personally from that prosperity.

It is not something that we may even have to consciously make decisions about. It becomes, in a sense, just a realization. This parallels a statement attributed to the British mathematician and metaphysician Alfred Whitehead, as quoted by Hayek, “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.”[3]

[3] F. A. Hayek, The Use of Knowledge in Society, The American Economic Review, Volume XXXV, Number Four, September 1945: p. 528.

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